Date(s) - 03/30/2021
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Remaing Spaces
73 of 100 available.
In America, the first picture postcards were printed for the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago — making Illinois the birthplace of the American picture postcard. Since those flowery Victorian originals, billions of postcards of every aspect of life have been printed, depicting: train stations and bandstands; street views and cartoons; ads for products and services; social history both whimsical and dark; and everything in between. An early mention of postcards is in the 1870 diary of a Welsh curate, who called them ”a happy invention.” Katherine Hamilton-Smith, the founding curator of the Teich Archives, presents a look at the documentary power and significance of picture postcards.
This is a free event, but donations are appreciated!
Please note:This is a live virtual event vis Zoom. A link to the Zoom event will be e-mailed to you about an hour before the event begins. If you do not see an e-mail from us, please check your bulk/junk mail. Please contact Sarah Parkes with any questions or if you have any difficulty accessing the event:
This event is being produced in partnership with Illinois Humanities. The Illinois Humanities Road Scholars Speakers Bureau invites Illinois authors, artists, and educators to share their expertise and enthusiasm with people throughout the state, enabling local nonprofit organizations to present free-admission cultural programs of high quality to their communities
Bookings are closed for this event.