Take a few moments to fill out our online volunteer application and a historical society member will contact you shortly about your interests and current opportunities.

    Personal Information

    Your Name (required)

    Street (required)

    City (required)

    State (required)

    Zip Code (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Home Phone

    Cell Phone


    Please fill in the days/times that you are most likely to be available.



    Volunteer Interests

    Please check all that apply:

    FundraisingEducation / School ToursPublic Programs / Special EventsMuseum DocentMarketingField WorkArchival DigitizationLandscaping

    How often would you like to volunteer?

    WeeklyTwice A MonthCall for Special Programs & Events

    Are you currently a member?


    Additional Comments

    Emergency contact name

    Emergency contact telephone